Singing Bowl, The

A setting for mixed chorus of a poem by Malcolm Guite.

Duration: 4' 45"
Difficulty: 4/5 (Difficulty Rating Overview)

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    Mixed Chorus (divisi, no solos)

    2 Singing Bowls (in C)

  • The Singing Bowl

    Malcolm Guite (from The Singing Bowl)

    Begin the song exactly where you are,

    Remain within the world of which you’re made.

    Call nothing common in the earth or air,

    Accept it all and let it be for good.

    Start with the very breath you breathe in now,

    This moment’s pulse, this rhythm in your blood

    And listen to it, ringing soft and low.

    Stay with the music, words will come in time.

    Slow down your breathing. Keep it deep and slow.

    Become an open singing-bowl, whose chime

    Is richness rising out of emptiness,

    And timelessness resounding into time.

    And when the heart is full of quietness

    Begin the song exactly where you are.

    Copyright ©2012 by Malcolm Guite. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

  • The Singing Bowl was premiered on April 27, 2018 in Columbia, South Carolina by the University of South Carolina University Chorus with Alicia Walker conducting. It was recorded in January 2022 for the album J.A.C. Redford: Dappled Things by London Voices directed by Ben Parry.

Purchase The Singing Bowl


Choral Scores:

Order one score per singer plus one for the conductor and two for the percussionists. Scores are delivered as PDF files. Purchase of choral scores includes permission to make the number of copies ordered.


Choral Score - $1.80


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