
An a cappella setting for mixed chorus of a poem by Gerard Manley Hopkins.

Duration: 2' 45"
Difficulty: 4/5 (Difficulty Rating Overview)

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  • Heaven-Haven

    A nun takes the veil

    Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1889)

    I HAVE desired to go

    Where springs not fail,

    To fields where flies no sharp and sided hail

    And a few lilies blow.

    And I have asked to be

    Where no storms come,

    Where the green swell is in the havens dumb,

    And out of the swing of the sea.

  • Heaven-Haven was commissioned by Peter and Amanda Gross for their wedding. It was premiered on 8 June 2013 at St. Matthew’s Anglican Catholic Church in Newport Beach, CA by it’s resident choir, directed by J. David Simmons.

Purchase Heaven-Haven

Choral Scores:

Order one score per singer plus one for the conductor. Scores are delivered as PDF files. Purchase of choral scores includes permission to make the number of copies ordered.


Choral Score - $1.80


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