Do You Bring Hurt to My Table

An anthem for choir with piano and/or guitar accompaniment.

Duration: 5' 30"
Difficulty: 3/5 (Difficulty Rating Overview)

  • Do You Bring Hurt to My Table

    J.A.C. Redford (1953- )

    Do you bring hurt to my table?

    Let it go, let it go.

    Where you are weak, I am able.

    Let it go, let it go.

    Do you bring fear to my table?

    Let it go, let it go.

    Where you are weak, I am able

    Let it go, let it go.

    Come unto me, all ye heavy laden

    And I will give you rest.

    My yoke is easy, and my burden is light

    O, I will give you rest.

    Do you bring shame to my table?

    Let it go, let it go.

    Where you are weak, I am able.

    Let it go, let it go.

    Come unto me, all ye heavy laden

    And I will give you rest.

    My yoke is easy, and my burden is light

    O, I will give you rest.

    Come unto me, all ye heavy laden

    And I will give you rest.

    My yoke is easy, and my burden is light

    O, I will give you rest.

    Do you bring hurt to my table?

    Let it go, let it go.

    Where you are weak, I am able.

    Let it go, let it go.

    Copyright ©1999 by J.A.C. Redford. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Purchase Do You Bring Hurt to My Table

Choral Scores:

Order one score per singer plus one each for the conductor and the pianist. Scores are delivered as PDF files. Purchase of choral scores includes permission to make the number of copies ordered.




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