At Cana’s Feast

An anthem for women's voices (SSA) with piano accompaniment.

Duration: 2' 30"
Difficulty: 4/5 (Difficulty Rating Overview)

  • At Cana's Feast

    Richard Crashaw (1613-1649)

    When Christ at Cana's feast, by power divine,

    Inspired cold water with the warmth of wine,

    "See," cried they, while in reddening tide it gushed,

    The conscious water saw its God and blushed.

    O let me drink the wine

    So long of this chaste vine

    Till drunk of the dear wounds, I be

    A lost Thing to the world, as it to me.

  • At Cana'a Feast was commissioned by Zephyr: Voices Unbound and premiered on March 7, 1998 in Corona Del Mar, California.

Purchase At Cana’s Feast

Choral Scores:

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